Thursday, March 22

Kate's stats.

Kate's doctor's appt. was no fun! She cried from the minute she was weighed til the minute she got in her car seat. Ugh. There were a few moments she stopped crying to eat and burp.

Anyways, I'll start posting on Kate's blog again, but until then, here are her stats from her visit.

She is at the 50% weighing 13 pounds 14 ounces (let's just say she's 14 pounds since she's just had 5 ounces of formula)

She's at the 75% with her length at 24 1/4 inches and head circumferance at 16 1/2 inches.

Just to compare with Ellie's 4 month check-up, weight-14 pounds 12 ounces (75%), height-26 inches (95%), h.c.-17 inches (95%).

Kate's just a tiny version of Ellie, but I have to say, she's got some thighs!

On quite a different note, we suffered another power outage in our neighborhood. Schaumburg seems to experience a lot of those. It made me think about pre-boiling water for Kate's formula and stocking up on matches and batteries.

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