Thursday, June 21

Ants in the Pant(try)

My husband comes down the stairs and tells me he just ate bugs. He elaborated to tell me there were ants on his computer desk. Puzzled, he tried to look for the source of the ants and it led him to the bag of potato chips he had been eating out of. He pulled out a chip and there were ants crawling all over it. I asked how he could not spot ants as he's eating the chips, his sad reply, "they were seasoned with black pepper."

We went downstairs to the pantry and discovered ants crawling all over the floor. It was gross. I haven't seen an outbreak of this nature since the kitchen sink fiasco last year. What I thought were coffee grinds on our counter were actually tiny ants. Gross!

I guess Jae's got a busy weekend ahead finishing the trim by the pantry door.

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