Monday, November 12

A Way

I've figured out a way to get Jae to sleep early (as he should)...just sit at his computer desk and pretend to check email. This man is so easy to manipulate it's not even funny.

Kate had her 1 year check-up. She's in the 5th percentile. Just shameful. But she's oh so cute. The secretary at the doctor's office tells me at every visit how much she likes my girls. "I don't know what it is, but I just love them! They are so adorable!" Then she whispers, "Is it okay if I give Danielle a sugar-free sucker?" Ellie always comes away from her doctor's visit with a lollipop.

Getting Kate's blood drawn was no fun...a finger stick. Ouch. Then us 3 girls got our flu shot, and as always, Dad was left to watch.

Schwinn seems lonely these days. Why can't I get started already? Courage, woman! Courage!

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