Friday, April 1

The duk bo gee incident

I was rummaging in my fridge in hopes to find something to make for lunch. Ellie had hot dog slices and some other fruit and veggie with milk. I had the same meal except I had duk bo gee instead of hot dogs. We had a duk bo gee "kit" (it's just duk and prepared sauce...very good) that was sitting in our fridge for at least 2 weeks and I wanted to finish it off. So I opened the bag, but the duk were all stuck together. I grabbed a couple of chopsticks to try to break them apart from each other, but they would not budge (I'm sweating at this point...seriously!). I just decided to put the chunk of duk into boiling will get soft and fall apart. But they did not fall apart. I basically ended up breaking and fishing out 3 chopsticks trying to pry the duk apart and I only managed to get half of them apart!

I finally sat at the table with Ellie, but the duk smelled kind of strange, but I was so hungry at that point and went through so much work to make it, I kept eating, but the duk bo gee started to taste wierd too. I decided not to finish it...I didnt want to get food poisoning...later that evening, I got sick...the next morning, I found out Jae ate the left over duk bo gee. Ha ha ha! What comedy!

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