Monday, April 4


Ellie has a new slide! Wee! After a play date with Tea, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to get one for Ellie since she walked up and down on it like a ramp! But she started to pretend play with her Little People and had them go up and down their slide. As she brought them down, she would say, "Weeeee!!!" How could a parent ignore such desire?

Jae and I bought the slide for her yesterday and she loved it! There is an emphasis on loved it, not loves it. I took her outside to play on the slide this morning, she slid down a few times, then ran away with Chloe. Sigh... We also got her a tiny lawn mower that blows bubbles when you push it, didn't care for that either! We also finally got some sand for her sandtable and she enjoyed pouring the sand out of the table and onto her shoes...sigh...

I'm thinking of getting her a little hosue. He he he!!!

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