Monday, April 4

Ellie Sleeps at the Table

Because we went to TRU Sunday after service and didn't come home til 5pm, Ellie was so cranky. Like any other women, she needs her sleep or she's just no good. She cried for about an hour because we had changed her clothes. Again, Elmo comes to save the day. He's beginning to become my best friend. We finally sat down for dinner. Ellie stuffed some rice into her mouth then grabbed her milk and drank with fury. After about a couple of minutes, I noticed her head was bobbing up and down. I looked at my daughter as she drank her milk and started closing her eyes to a deep sleep. It was such a pathetic sight yet so funny to see Ellie nod off at the table like some 80 year old with a condition where one just falls asleep at any given moment...what's that called?
She slept at 7 and didn't wake til 7:30. That's amazing.

1 comment:

EJ said...

All girls needs their beauty rest and regardless we find it. I'm glad that she gave you a nice break by sleeping for 12 hours. Remember those days?