Saturday, July 9

Pulling of the Pants

Whenever I get together with my mom and my sister, we end up laughing til it hurts. Just the other day, I met my sister at my mom's place for dinner. I was sitting at the table watching my mom at the sink washing dishes and started laughing by myself. "What's so funny?" My sister wanted to get in on the action.

"I know you're laughing about me. What is it this time?" (my mom)

I could hardly get the words out, I was laughing so hard. At this point, my sister started laughing too, not knowing why, but just because she knew it was funny.

"I was just thinking about the time we used to pull down Mom's pants while she washed dishes!"

We were young and bored so one of us would wander to the kitchen, pull down my mom's pants and run away in a fit of laughter. My mom would get so angry and yell at us from the kitchen, "you ungrateful rotten kids!" She'd dry her hands, pull up her pants, and resume washing the dishes. Not a moment later, the other one would go to the kitchen pretending to grab a drink then pull down her pants again. "Knock it off! I'm gonna beat you with a hanger!" It's so funny because of her reaction to the childish. And my dad would just sit there at the kitchen table shaking his head, pretending to read the paper when he was actually smiling.

It was great.

Apparantly, my sister does this to her husband of 2 months and she finds it very amusing cuz now he's learned from the "trauma" so he wears his waist tightly or will spread his legs quickly the instant my sister walks into the kitchen.

Sadly, I have not experienced such joy from my husband. He just stands there at the sink with his pants down. It's not as funny if the victim doesn't cooperate with a furious or Pavlovian reaction. So I just cling to the memories and hope one day Ellie will be an expert at pulling down my pants at the sink.

Good times.


slacker said...

Did you ever did that to me? I don't remember.. If you did, I probably did exactly what you said...

Hmmm... I guess I will now have to teach Ellie a wonderful thing about pranks against parents...

jon said...

I'm with Slacker. If you pull my pants down, you're gonna have to wait until I'm darn good and ready to pull them back up. I probably wouldn't even wear pants if it weren't for the legal problems it might cause.

EJ said...

Your sister now has a new dishwasher so Alex will no longer be hanging there w/ his pants pulled down. She should think of something else.

Churro said...

Aww, simply adorable. =) I wonder what kind of pranks Ellie would pull as she grows older... and wiser. *evil grin*

Caffeinator said...

I think if Duksim did that to me, I'd probably do the same thing (no reaction)...unless it followed with a swift slap on the behind or something...kinda hard not to react to those forms of stimuli.

tyggergirl said...

Why didn't I think of that when I was little? Dang it!

debbie said...

why no perm? was it that bad on me? it's so much easier to manage.