Friday, July 15

Terrible Twos

This past week has been wierd for Ellie. She's been waking up early from her naps at exactly the same time all week. There are many speculations for this and we (Jae and I) are trying to end this routine of hers. She's just been really cranky and getting up early in the mornings crying. I think part of it is because she's teething. The other reason may be that she's "growing" which is what grandmothers like to say as an excuse. Grandchildren are perfect creatures and whatever negative qualities they hold is the fault of their own children.

Anyway, I'm just counting down the minutes...trying not to make any noise...keeping myself busy...and Chloe near by. I'm just sleepy most times and want to lay my head in front of the computer. Ugh. We've got huge tasks in front of us...Potty training...converting from crib to bed...and the oh so friendly Terrible Twos.

But I shall prevail! I will not be beaten by a 2 year-old! Let the good times roll!


EJ said...

You shall survive!! Just be ready for the "why?" to everything you tell her. Fun times ahead, indeed!!

Caffeinator said...

looks like jae's got some major dancing time ahead of him...keep that camcorder rolling!