Tuesday, August 30

Warm Milk

These days, Ellie's been taking at least 30 minutes to fall asleep...yikes! But that's not the bad part. The bad part comes when I have to sit next to her crib and pat her back until she falls asleep, which by then, I can no longer feel my arm and it has also turned a nice shade of purple. I am her servant. She took the ring from my finger this morning, placed it on her head, and declared herself "Cinderella" as if she's lived some horrible life....all I did was ask her to throw her shirt in her hamper! Sheesh!

Anyways, I've figured out a way to get her to sleep faster. It's called "trypto or tripto something or something like that. It's found in turkey, which makes everyone sleepy after a meal, but since it is not Thanksgiving yet and we don't eat turkey on a daily basis, I gave Ellie warm milk instead. Apparantly, when milk is warmed to a certain temp, it develops the same components found in turkey...the very same that makes one sleepy. Ah-Ha! I'm a genious! Actually, I'm really not considering how long it took me to figure this out....hmmm....sad.

So to get to the lick of things, Ellie was upset that she had to take a nap and made a lame attempt to climb out of her crib (using me as leverage!) But in the end, she decided that the pillow would be much more comfy than mommy's shoulder. Once she got her head down, she fell asleep within minutes! Oh Joy! But I have a sinking feeling Ellie will catch on soon enough.

1 comment:

Caffeinator said...

that tryptophan always gets me after thanksgiving dinner...powerful stuff! kinda makes you wonder how those turkeys manage to stay awake...