Rock On!
This is what Ellie thinks of home-made potato chips! "Hail QueenWanydala! Giver of starch and grease!" I don't know why the rest of my family is so darn skinny!
After bringing home all the peppers and tomatoes from the farm, guess what I decided to make? Potato chips! That's right. I've not made one single lick of food from the veggies, but my dear Jewish hyung boo promised to share his famous sausage spaghetti sauce with me if I made him some beg-nets (beignets). It's really pronounced "ben-neays", but that's how hyung boo pronounces it and I thought it was just as amusing when he says, "jar-jar-binks" I mean, "ja-ja-myun" when he's referring to the noodles with dark sauce. I fear we will be eating salsa for quite some time now.I'm getting closer to completing my to do list...and I have to mention I don't like the fact that some recent topics on Jae's blog has to do with lists. I started it! Gosh...I'm so immature...but I digress...or regress...or whatever...anyways!, one of the to do on my list was to get new glasses. I got my eyes checked last week and I've now found the frames I want. All I have to do is buy them.And my dog has stopped greeting me at the door. She lifted her head from sleeping position, gave me a look of disdain, then went back to sleep. Okay, she never lifted her head.(I love my dog!)
so how does your to-do list compare with jae's?
ha ha, I can see jae greeting you in the same fashion as chloe - if he doesn't do that already...not by the door, I mean...ah, never mind...this is getting confusing...
AH HA HA HA!!!! this is just the thing i needed to see. just when i thought my day was going crappy and i want to throw my head back and shout, i see this awesome picture of ellie. ha ha!!! hopefully, this doesn't become a habit. you don't want her to be mistaken for a fob.
ellie is too cool for school yo!
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