Wednesday, July 18

New Template?

Okay, so enough of the black template...I like drama, but it's getting difficult to read my own blog. Blue is the next best thing. I can't find a template I completely love. I realize I'm too particular...good or bad.

The rain was pretty scary today. Of course I chose today of all days to drop off some clothes at my mom's place...4 shopping bags worth of clothes I no longer wear or like or cannot fit into.

Kate's getting older...duh...but what do we do with all the baby stuff? I almost want to just toss them all in the trash. I'd best hold on to them until we have the mother of all yard sales the galaxy has ever seen. I'm tellin' ya, we hold onto so much "stuff" it's rediculous. When we move, I swear I'm going to keep things simple...few favorite pictures framed and maybe if we're lucky, hung on the wall with some purpose and very little knick-knacks, lots of shelving and plants....real plants.

Update on the bathroom...there is no progress. I've decided since most of the remodeling requires my brute to do most of the heavy lifting, to remodel the playroom instead. It will be work I can do on my taking down wallpaper and painting and installing window treatment. Even that project will have to wait til we get back from our trip to Maryland so that will give me lots of time to choose colors and arramge a storage system for the girl's toys.

Katenews...her bottom teeth are quite visible. I think she likes 'em now. She's eating like a least for me. =)

Ellienews...she's got another fever. Yikes! I think the girls are in cahoots with each other, trading germs. Figures one would get sick before a major trip due east. I seriously hope it's not another case of strep. It was nightmarish. We'll have to wait and see what other symptoms creep out the next couple of days. I think one person in the household has been sick since May. All I've been doing was washing hands.

Dear God,
We sure could use a break.
Humbly asking,
The Lims

1 comment:

Caffeinator said...

look at it this way - when the girls are all grown up, they'll probably have developed some superimmune system and never get sick again...something to look forward to, i suppose.