Wednesday, February 25

Riding again

I rode on my bike for the first time in a long time again...30 minutes...rachel ray can cook up a five course meal in that time. I was in utter pain and suffering. The kids were stunned to see their mom on an exercise machine...Ellie couldn't get over it. She was constantly climbing on the bike, squeezing in where she could throughout the entire workout. Anyways, I ended up biking 5 miles.

Afterwards, I had planned to take a shower but flopped on the bed and took a quick nap. Then we all went downstairs and had a gigantic meal. Hmmm....maybe next time I should eat before I workout.

I'm also ending my addiciton to computer games. No more games until I lose the weight. It's gonna be a nail biting experience.

Ellie's reading like a genius and Kate's starting to use the potty on her own. Life is so comfortable right now I feel's like the calm before the storm.

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